Due to fact that my life's line of professional [Job] and personal art [Non Job] ^_^ has been in the gray, I have decided to create two separate websites... I will have a Mike Ahearn site and a Vision Design site; both are under construction and will be that way for about a month... I have clients that require my attention first. I have practically finished the work site [Vision Design] and an unofficial version is up for your viewing pleasure... just click the Vision Design logo! The other is still all in my head as of now ^_^ I know the layout and colors I will be using, I will be calling the design "Simple and Clean" [And yes I have been playing endless hours of Kingdom Heartsā], it will be my first "quick update" site, I plan to have a wizard that will allow me to quickly put up my most recent stuff so you guys will get a lot of cool stuff to look at real fast! I also have plans to have my writings/journal and as soon as I get my Nikonā camera, I will have pictures galore! Well, time to work on a job for a client!



All titles and images are Copyright © 1999 - 2002 Mike Ahearn, unless otherwise stated.